Gain Control Of Your Biggest Expense! Get In Touch Now
Frequently Asked Question
I have received the best quote, but it's still too much. Can you help?
Yes, the best quote is really a matter of negotiation. The chances are whatever you have been quoted we can potentially improve on. With our conditional fee arrangement our clients can only win by using our service.
our discount is reducing every year while costs are increasing.
Its fairly common to have discounts in place and if you have been fortunate enough to benefit from a discount its only natural to expect it to decrease over the years. However, having a discount and having an inflated “bundled” package is very different nd worth exploring. Get in touch and we’ll provide the transparency for you to make an informed decision.
if I just want a hamburger, why am i being sold a 5 course meal?
Data services are packaged in many different ways. We have over 15 years expertise in this space and can show you how to order a hamburger alone. Maybe some cheese will be thrown in, but it certainly wont be a 5 course meal if you have our support.
we are tied into a multi year agreement and cant change anything.
If you have a multi year agreement, then it may be impossible to break it unless your business has gone through exceptional changes. We can help you identify and better position things for your next renewal. In addition there are often flexibilities built into contracts that you may be unaware of so let us help you find those.
Why Can't we just buy what we want instead of 100s of other things?
All data packages are bundled in many different ways and costs can vary depending on the delivery method. Contact us now to start a simple review, after which we can tell you the most cost efficient set up to aim for.
Why is it so difficult to just pay for the dated brent price?
Unfortunately its extremely complicated. If it was simple our business would not exist. Our sole purpose is to help our clients navigate through this opaque world of data licensing and domonant pricing. If you feel like you have paid too much, you probably have! Contact us for an alternative option.
We spend less than $100k on Data. Can you help?
Our clients are generally spending over $250k on energy data alone. However, for smaller budgets and simpler setups we are more than happy to spend a couple of hours and show you possible alternative option to consider. Please reach out to get started
Can you help with systems as well or just data?
We have over a decade of established relationships with a lot of real-time system, ETRM and SAAS providers within the energy information space. We can advise and also introduce you to many alternative solutions that may better meet your requirements. get in touch and rebalance your procurement to make your organisation more efficient